
Search results

  1. Livestock Auction Checks Available

    3. The person picking up the checks must have the 2024 Fair Photo ID of the exhibitor to receive the ...

  2. Celebrate the Westerville Autumn Arborfest with the BUGmobile

    Dedicate Your Day to Trees, Wildlife and the Environment Spend Saturday Sept 21, 10am-2-pm, ... enjoying the City’s internationally recognized tree canopy at the 7th Annual Autumn Arborfest on Sept. 21, ... expert arborists and learn why Westerville is a Tree City USA for the 48 years and is one of only 200 ...

  3. ORCID 101 (Virtual Event)

    understand what an ORCID iD is and how it can benefit you. You will learn how to register for an ORCID iD and ...

  4. Drought 2024: Winter Feeding Options for Beef Cows

    Join The Ohio State University Extension for an upcoming program on Winter Feeding Options for ...

  5. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Squash and Pumpkin

    minutes its flesh separates into spaghetti-like strands. Hard Shelled (Winter) Squash Selection tips:  ... recommendations below are approximations. 1 pound summer squash = 2–3 servings 1 pound winter squash (flesh) ... = 1 cup cooked 1 bushel squash = 40 pounds 1 bushel winter squash = 16–20 quarts canned Nutrition The  ...

  6. Farm Tour Volunteers Sought

    (  We are excited to be partnering with the Wayne County Farm Bureau and to showcase the impact our ...

  7. OSU Extension Energy Outreach Team- Carbon Sequestration Panel Meeting ID: 993 0632 5934 Password: 058009 Find your local number: ...

  8. Shared Harvest

    provide verbal self-attestation for income, while providing a photo ID and a piece of mail to verify residency. ... drive to the distribution site during the appropriate hours, please do not line up early.  We ask people ...

  9. Giant Bugs at the Columbus Main Library

    beetle, blue-eyed darner and orb web spider – they’re 6 to 10 feet tall! Check out these giants, then see ...

  10. Farm Tour Volunteers Sought

    (  We are excited to be partnering with the Wayne County Farm Bureau and to showcase the impact our ...
