
Search results

  1. Forest Food For Wildlife: Enhancing Mast Production

    attract wildlife to your property. Class limited to the first 30 people ...

  2. Food Safety: New law in Indiana addressing overheated food trucks, poor transport conditions

    that has taken effect in Indiana.  It is now a "class A infraction to transport food that is more ...

  3. Syrup and Salamanders

    We know what you’re thinking. What do syrup and salamanders have in common?! Bring the family to the OSU Mansfield Campus this leap year, and it will all make sense. The College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Science faculty, staff, and extensio ...

  4. Ohio Produce Marketing Agreement bill to new Director of Ag

    implementing set standards and passing audits.  This program is considered an option for farms that are exempt ...

  5. Cornell GAPS Training- online

    hosting the class.  Class size is limited to 25 people. Questions? Contact Betsy Bihn at ...

  6. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Athens County

    questions regarding this training.   If you are interested in hosting a GAPs class in your county, contact ...

  7. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), County Line Produce Auction, No-Technology LOCATION CHANGE

    Kulhanek at 330-725-4911 x106   Are you interested in hosting a GAPs education class? Contact Lindsey ...

  8. Tree School

    Join us For Tree School! Join us for this all-day event all about trees!  Are you a woodland ... tree-related topics. This years event includes: Planting for pollinators  Pruning Tree selection Attracting ...

  9. Growers: Voice Your Concerns

    $25,000 a year-- are exempt from the rule, Hoover said. However, as always, any farm selling food for ...

  10. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Marion Community Center

    release on this event! For event questions, contact Tom Redfern, Rural Action Sustainable Agriculture ...
