
Search results

  1. Raising Meat Chickens

    your own consumption or to sell, you should consider your end goals and budget. Producers living in ... pullets at the time of processing. When ordering, consider having chicks vaccinated for coccidiosis and ... existing meat chicken operation into a larger enterprise, consider taking the farm financial management ...

  2. Dig In! Applications Open

    Tuesday evenings from 6:00pm to 8:00pm starting on April 8th and ending on June 3rd (9 weeks total). Class ... will take a hybrid format. This means that some classes will be virtual via zoom and, as the weather ... warms, some classes will be in person at our office and to be determined gardens. Applications are open ...

  3. Teff for Forage Production

    horses and are also suitable for other classes of livestock. Since these values can vary with weather ...

  4. Storing, Using, and Marketing Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries in Ohio

    rust (WPBR) became a serious disease, threatening the lucrative timber business in the United States. ... marketing efforts are critical to successfully sell these fruits. It is interesting to note that many recent ...

  5. Growing Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries in Ohio

    rust (WPBR) became a serious disease, threatening the lucrative timber business in the United States. ... considered quite offensive by some. They also have an astringent flavor. Yet they are highly prized in Europe ... blueberries and raspberries, concerted marketing efforts are critical to successfully sell these fruits. It is ...

  6. EPN Breakfast Event- Tuesday, March 25, 2025: Water Reuse for Ohio’s Future: Implications for advanced industry, land conservation, and resource efficiency.

    Click here to learn more. Click here to learn more. Registration for EPN's Water Reuse Program on March 25th is now open! ...

  7. Determining the Grazing Intensity and Move Frequency for Your Rotational Grazing System

    of trampling and compaction during a heavy rainfall event. Conclusion Rotational grazing systems ...

  8. Relay Intercropping Soybean Into Winter Wheat

    harvest. *The Feekes Growth Scale contains numbers that represent new growth events. The Ohioline fact ...

  9. Box Tree Moth: Range and Spread

    India. BTM is not considered a significant pest of Asian boxwoods (Gao, 2024) likely in part due to ... invasion of Europe by the box tree moth: an additional example coupling multiple introduction events ... , bridgehead effects and admixture events.  Biological Invasions,  24 (12), 3865–3883. ...

  10. EPN Breakfast Event- Tuesday, March 25, 2025: Water Reuse for Ohio’s Future: Implications for advanced industry, land conservation, and resource efficiency.

    economic development with environmental sustainability.  This EPN event, presented in coordination with the ... engineering from the Ohio State University. Additional Information   We strive to host events that are ... from our staff to discuss your specific needs.  Masks are optional for all event attendees at this ...
