As we expand our online content we are offering live webinars. Once the webinars are complete, the recordings of those webinars are posted below.
Carbon Credits: What You Should Know
This webinar explored carbon credits for woodland owners. What are the key things you need to know when entering the market? Ohio Forest Tax Law cooperators may also want better to understand the impact on your tax law program once you enter into an agreement. Join Ohio State Professors Brent Sohngen and Roger Williams, University of Florida Extension's Tammy Cushing, and Ohio Division of Forestry's Stephanie Downs to learn about the programs and the tax implications.
Fall Color Change in Ohio
Across much of the United States, autumn is marked by a series of chemical changes in leaves, resulting in them changing colors from green to red, orange, yellow, or gold. Have you ever thought about what controls those color changes and what it means for your forests? To get answers to these and related questions, tune into this webinar, presented by Dr. Andy Londo, a professor and state extension forestry specialist with OSU Extension.
American Sycamore Sap & Syrup: What We Know and What We Don't
This webinar featured Luke Taylor-Ide and Sarah Collins-Simmons discussing ongoing research efforts at Future Generations University to understand the science and behaviors of tapping the American sycamore.
We are very sorry, but there is no recording for this webinar. Please view the slide deck from Luke and Sarah's presentation HERE. They encourage anyone interested in tapping sycamore to reach out to them at with any questions or requests for support.
Chronic Wasting Disease in Ohio’s Deer Herd: Three Years of Intense Monitoring
In 2020, chronic wasting disease (CWD) was detected for the first time in Ohio just north of Killdeer Plains in Wyandot County. Join ODNR Division of Wildlife's Clint McCoy in this webinar, as he covers several aspects of CWD: a basic overview of the disease, history of positive cases in OH, DOW’s response to positive detections, what to know if hunting in a known CWD area, and the importance of hunter harvest in slowing the spread.
If it Bugs Bugs, it Bugs Birds
Pesticides can be valuable in managing threats to forests, farms, and gardens. However, many chemicals commonly used have unintended consequences for non-target wildlife, especially birds. Join Hardy Kern, with the American Bird Conservancy and Matt Shumar, with the Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative to learn more about the impacts of pest management on birds. We will also discuss how to better understand the chemicals you may be using and ways to make your spaces bird-friendly while still reducing threats from pests in this webinar.
Climate Change Tree Atlas: A tool to explore potential responses of Ohio’s forests
Join SENR's Steve Matthews in this webinar as we review and explore the USDA Forest Service Climate Change Atlas. The goal of the tool is to provide accessible science to a broad user-base. It is based on over two decades of our Landscape Change Research Groups' efforts to lead innovation and understanding of climate change impacts on species distributions in this webinar.
Envisioning NTFPs in Northeast Ohio: Forest Farming and Agroforestry Demonstration at The Holden Arboretum
From scraggly fragments to majestic second-growth woodlots, Ohio’s forested landscape exists in many forms. Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) and agroforestry are relevant practices that can meet conservation and human goals across this forested mosaic! Join Jessica Miller Mecaskey, Rob Maganja, Jes Burns, and Rosana Villafan as they share the progress of agroforestry demonstrations at the arboretum campus of Holden Forests & Gardens in this webinar.
Additional Resources and links
Recognizing, Protecting, and Constructing Vernal Pools
Learn the basics of vernal pool hydrology, ecology, and habitat with MAD Scientist Associates and OSU Lecturer, Mark Dilley. Mark will share recommendations for protecting and enhancing vernal pools and how landowners can create functional vernal pools on their property in this webinar.
See slides from Mark's presentation HERE.
How Does Ohio Get So Many Non-Native Insects?
Globalization has facilitated the unintentional and international movement of insects. Many of these invading species have been forest insects, due to the exchange of live plants and widespread use of wood packaging materials in global trade. Join OSU's Sam Ward, Assistant Professor of Forest Entomology to learn about the patterns and processes that have shaped forest insect invasions in the United States in this webinar.
See the slides from the presentation HERE.
Hidden Architects: The Roles and Impacts of Wood Decay Fungi in Shaping Ohio's Woodlands
White rots, brown rots, heart rot, oh my! Join Erika Lyon, OSU Extension Education for Jefferson and Harrison Counties, as we learn about these fungal structural designers found in woodlands across the state and their overall role in forest health in this webinar.
Managing Forests for Bats
Ohio is home to 10 species of bats and all depend on forests for their habitat needs. Join Marne Titchenell (OSU), Eileen Wyza (ODNR), and Angela Boyer (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service) as they chat about what landowners can do in their forests to support bats in light of recent population declines in this webinar.
Slash Walls: An Effective and Feasible Approach to Growing the Next Generation of Forest
Join Cornell University Cooperative Extension Foresters Peter Smallidge and Brett Chedzoy in this webinar, to learn how slash walls ( are tilting the battle to protect regenerating woodlands from detrimental deer browsing. This novel approach of building impenetrable deer barriers at low cost from logging slash was developed at Cornell’s Arnot Teaching and Research Forest in 2017. Seven years and dozens of slash walls later across the Northeast are showing that this scaleable and cost-effective practice shows very promising results to sustain diverse and productive forests.
A Potential New Nemesis for Garlic Mustard? Identifying and Reporting a Newly Arrived Garlic Mustard Specialist Aphid - Lipaphis alliarae
A newly discovered enemy of the invasive garlic mustard may help us in our fight against the pesky plant. Join Rebecah Troutman of Holden Arboretum in this webinar will teach participants how to find and identify Liaphis alliance, a garlic mustard specialist aphid native to Europe, and how to join the citizen science effort to report the aphid’s distribution via the EDDMapS website and phone application.
- Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio's Forests: Garlic Mustard
- Be on the Lookout - Garlic Mustard Aphids
- Garlic Mustard Aphid ID Card
Building, Maintaining, and Liability for Your Private Recreational Trails
Join OSU's Jamie Hampton, Extension Educator in Auglaize County, and Peggy Hall, Director of the OSU Agriculture and Resource Law Program in this webinar. Jamie and Peggy share how to build and maintain the trails running through your woods to meet your goals and objectives, while also considering the liability of these trails for you and your users.
The Status of River Otters in Ohio
Otters were extirpated from Ohio in the early 1900s and reintroduced in 1986. Since then, the population has increased across Ohio. Join Stan Gehrt, OSU Extension Wildlife Specialist and Professor within the School of Environment and Natural Resources, as we discuss the ecology and status of river otters in this webinar.
The first few minutes of this webinar were not recorded. We apologize!
Virtual Spring Wildflower Hike
Spring is a special time of the year to be in the woods! Many of its early occupants such as our state wildflower, White Trillium, are ephemeral in nature and won’t be here long! Join OSU Extension ANR Educator, Carrie Brown, as we embark on a virtual spring wildflower hike during this webinar.
Status of Emerald Ash Borer in Post-Outbreak Forests
Join OSU’s Kayla Perry, State Extension Specialist in Forest Entomology, in this webinar as we talk about Emerald ash borer (EAB; Agrilus planipennis). EAB has caused widespread decline and death of ash trees throughout eastern North America since it was first detected in southeastern Michigan in 2002. This presentation will provide an update on the distribution, management, and ecological impacts of EAB, with a focus on forests that have experienced the longest duration of invasion by this insect.
Non-native Invasive Forest Pests and Sentinels
Join OSU's Enrico Bonello, Professor in Plant Pathology, as he talks about non-native invasive pests and the use of sentinel tree plantings in this webinar. Sentinel tree plantings are being used to monitor what future pests and diseases may be of concern if they leave their native habitat.
Forest Carbon Markets in Ohio: What Landowners Need to Know
Forest carbon markets seem to have come out of nowhere. Can I really sell my carbon, and if so, to who? How does it work, and what should I know before signing a contract? Join Tom Rooney from The Nature Conservancy for a deep dive into forest carbon markets in this webinar.
Slides from Tom's presentation can be found HERE.
The Winter Life of Bats
Join Joe Johnson, bat ecologist with the University of Cincinnati, as we explore the world of bats and take a deeper dive into their lives during winter. Where are they hibernating? How are they dealing with white-nose syndrome? We will explore these questions and more in this webinar!
The Impact of Climate Change on Soils
Join SENR's Brian Slater, Extension State Specialist and Professor in Soils in this webinar where we explore the impact of climate change on our soils.
The Itsy Bitsy… TOTALLY INCREDIBLE Spiders of our Forests
Join OSU's Ashley Kulhanek, Extension Educator in Medina County, as we talk all about spiders in this webinar! She will dismiss the myths and dive into the incredible world of spiders dwelling in a forest near you.
The Top 15 Trees for the Landscape
Join Secrest Arboretum Curator Jason Veil as we celebrate Earth and Arbor Day during this webinar. Trees are the verdant backbone of our forests, landscapes, and neighborhoods. Botanical gardens like the Secrest Arboretum exist to conserve and showcase their amazing diversity. Those exhibiting a useful combination of ecological value, ornamental beauty, and cultural sustainability deserve our attention and admiration.
Here Come the Birds - The Joy of Spring Migration!
Every year, spring brings the obvious signs of renewal: hillsides painted with Eastern Redbud and valleys full of daffodils. But overhead, the skies are full of brilliantly colored warblers, tanagers, grosbeaks making their way from Central and South America to lush temperate breeding grounds in North America. Join SENR's Matt Shumar, Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative Program Coordinator, for an in-depth look at the phenology of spring bird migration in Ohio in this webinar.
The Ecology of the Herbaceous Layer in Ohio Forests
In eastern forests, the herbaceous layer harbors the great majority of plant diversity. This webinar will focus on various aspects of the herb-layer vegetation, including the life history and ecology of select species, the response of plant communities to disturbance, and threats such as the impacts of non-native invasive species and deer browsing. Join USDA Forest Service's Todd Hutchinson, as he discusses the herbaceous layer of Ohio's forests in this webinar.
Extreme Weather and Other Climate Change Considerations in Maple Syrup Production
From increasing winter and spring temperatures to extreme weather events, climate change poses a risk to the maple syrup production community. These changes alter short-term conditions like quality and quantity of sap, while long-term changes in climate are having impacts on the health of trees, roots, and shifting areas where production is viable. Projections of future climate pose significant challenges to the future of maple production across southern zones. How might the community plan for and mitigate these impacts? Join us as we explore the influence of weather and climate change on the maple industry and discuss the implications for the future in this webinar.
Mycorrhizae Fungi: What You Need to Know
Join OSU's Enrico Bonello, Professor in Plant Pathology, to learn more about mycorrhizae and plants in this webinar.
Fungi of the Field and Woods: Do You Really Know Who They Are?
Join OSU Extension's Curtis Young as he guides us through images of field and forest fungi he has encountered during his explorations in this webinar.
Additional resources shared by Curtis can be found here.
Why Tap Walnut Trees? Walnut Sap Flow and Syrup Production
Join Professor Mike Rechlin, of Future Generations University, as he reviews three years of research into walnut sap flow and syrup production in this webinar. We will look at the differences between maple and walnut sap flow and how these differences affect production. He will offer ways to increases sap flow in walnut and the economics of walnut syrup production.
Soil Health in Urban and Rural Forest Ecosystems
Join SENR's Brian Slater, Associate Director and Professor in Soils, as we explore soil health in this webinar. Soil health is the capacity of soils to support ecosystem services and ecosystem functions. Soil health influences both the productivity and sustainability of natural and managed forest systems. Practical methods of assessing and managing soil health in forest ecosystems will be addressed.
Weird Things Bugs Do - June 2021
Join OSU Extension's Ashley Kulhanek as she discusses all the weird and curious things bugs do in this webinar. Attendees will learn about unique insect behaviors that make them successful in their ecological roles.
Blue Jays and Oaks: A seed dispersal mutualism driving forest change in Ohio - May 2021
Blue Jays are nearly ubiquitous in the eastern US, and are often viewed as bullying other birds. However, through their acorn-caching behavior in the autumn, they are vital seed dispersers for oaks and other nut-bearing trees, ultimately shaping the distribution and composition of eastern forests. By studying their seed selection and dispersal behavior, as well as the relationship between oak masting cycles and Blue Jay survival, SENR's Jay Wright is investigating how this mutualistic relationship will drive future forest change in the face of declining oak and the imminent reintroduction of American chestnut in this webinar.
Can My Woodland be a Solution to Climate Change? - May 2021
Join Roger Williams, Associate Professor of Forest Management in the School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) in this presentation where we explored the roles of forests in the carbon cycle. Roger also discussed how forests sequester carbon, how forest management affects sequestration, and the types of forest-related activities that may qualify for carbon credits projects. Brent Sohngen, with the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, and SENR's Sayeed Mehmood joined for the Q&A session.
Exploring the Diversity of Wonderful Woodland Macrofungi - April 2021
Spend the morning with OSU Extension's Curtis Young exploring the wonderful world of woodland marcofungi by looking at the corals, jellies, conks, boletes, brackets, parchments, cups, and more in this webinar. These fungi delight the senses with color, size, shape, texture, scent, and flavor.
Here is a list of the fungi Curtis covered in his presentation.
From Tree to Table: Ohio Maple Syrup - March 2021
It's syrup season! Join OSU Extension's Les Ober and the School of Environment and Natural Resources' Gabe Karns and Kathy Smith to learn how tree sap becomes a tasty breakfast treat in this webinar. They will walk you through how to collect sap from trees in your yard to trees in the woods, and turn it into a versatile sweet treat.
Picking Pawpaw Patches - Managing Woodlands for Pawpaw Production - February 2021
Join Matt Davies, Assistant Professor in Soil and Plant Community Restoration in the School of Environment and Natural Resources as we explore pawpaw production in Ohio woodlands in this webinar.
Goatsuckers on the Move: Migration and Winter Ecology of the Midwest’s Eastern Whip-poor-wills - February 2021
Chris Tonra, Assistant Professor in Avian Wildlife Ecology in the School of Environment and Natural Resources, will be presenting results from his lab’s work using GPS to track the rapidly declining Eastern Whip-poor-will from breeding sites across the Midwest along their migration to wintering sites in Mexico and Central America. He will also discuss the routes they take, the habitats they utilize, and how their distribution varies based on where they breed. In addition, Chris will discuss the conservation implications of these findings.
The recording of this webinar will be posted at a later date. We are sorry for the inconvience.
Buckeyes – More than Just the State Tree: Reconsidering the Genus Aesculus - January 2021
Join OSU Extension's Ann Chanon to explore buckeye biology and identification along with the species attributes and limitations in this webinar. She will also look at their importance for pollinators and wildlife.
The Importance of Dead Wood for Wildlife - December 2020
Join Marne Titchenell, OSU Extension's Wildlife Program Specialist, within the School of Environment and Natural Resources for this webinar, as she shares how dead wood (standing and on the forest floor) is important to a variety of wildlife species. She will also discuss ways to create and maintain dead wood in your woodland.
Click here for a copy of Marne's presentation slides.
Timber Rattlesnake Ecology and Conservation in Ohio - November 2020
In this webinar, Bill Peterman, Associate Professor in Wildlife Ecology and Management, in the School of Environment and Natural Resources shares ongoing research on the endangered timber rattlesnake in Ohio. Several videos on timber rattlesnake ecology are shared during the presentation. These videos were created by Andrew Hoffman, John Buffington, and Zach Truelock and can be viewed on their youtube channel called Life Underfoot. Life Underfoot also hosts videos on spiders, salamanders, turtles, frogs, and more!
Spotting the Spot: A National and State Update on Spotted Lanternfly - November 2020
In this webinar, Amy Stone, OSU Extension Educator for Lucas County and the State Spotted Lanternfly Coordinator, joins us with an update on the status of the non-native, invasive spotted lanternfly. Following Amy's presentation is a panel Q&A session with Amy, Maria Smith, Program Specialist in the Department of Horticultural and Crop Science, Erika Lyon, Extension Educator for Jefferson and Harrison Counties, and Tom DeHaas, Extension Educator for Lake County.
Management: Deer and Habitat - October 2020
Join Gabe Karns, Assistant Professor in the School of Environment and Natural Resources in this webinar as he discusses white-tailed deer ecology and habitat needs, and how to manage their populations. Gabe also spends time discussing the challenges of deer management while balancing multiple stakeholders (i.e. hunting community, farming community, those living in urban areas) and their needs.
Birds of Ohio Shores: Diversity, Ecology and Management of Shorebirds in Ohio - October 2020
Join Bob Gates, Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Management, in the School of Environment and Natural Resources as he guides us through the identification of Ohio's shorebirds from pipers to plovers and more in this video.
Here is a copy of Bob's slides. Enjoy!
The Impacts of Climate Change on Forests and Wildlife - September 2020
The climate is changing, and it is impacting forests in many ways. The magnitude of continued accelerated change requires adaptation strategies aimed towards maintaining healthy and productive forests. As forests are placed under additional stress it is also critical that we consider how wildlife may respond to a shifting climate and important forest habitats that they depend on. Join Steve Matthews, wildlife professor and ecologist with OSU's School of Environment and Natural Resources as he guides us through climate change impacts in this video.
NOTE: In his talk, Steve referred to the Climate and Tree Atlas. This is a great resources to learn more about how climate is impacting tree species and birds.
Want to learn more? Check out A Day in the Woods program "Forest and Wildlife History and Future Challenges" on Friday, September 11 at 10 am. Steve will be featured in this program as well as talks on the history of Ohio's forests and wildlife populations, and the impacts of invasive species on wildlife.
The Great Lakes Early Detection Network: Helping Land Managers Track Invasive Species - August 2020
Help track invasive species using the Great Lakes Early Detection Network (GLEDN) App. Join Kathy Smith, Amy Stone, Marne Titchenell, and Eugene Braig, specialists in forestry, horticulture, wildlife, and aquatic ecology as they share how to use the app to report invasive species in this webinar.
Beech Leaf Disease History, Treatment and Surveys - July 2020
American beech have been declining in the presence of beech leaf disease (BLD) over the past eight years. BLD was first found in Lake County, Ohio in 2012 but has now been seen in more than 40 counties across multiple states as of 2019. Join Daniel Volk, Forest Health Project Coordinator for Cleveland Metroparks, as he shares information about the short history of BLD and what is being done to combat this devastating issue. Daniel was also joined by Enrico Bonnello, OSU Professor of Molecular and Chemical Ecology of Trees, and Connie Hausman, Senior Conservation Science Manager with Cleveland Metroparks for this webinar.
The Ins and Outs of Ohio's Property Tax Reduction Programs: CAUV and Ohio Forest Tax Law - July 2020
ODNR Division of Forestry Service Forester Jeremy Scherf, Coordinator of the Ohio Forest Tax Law program, explains the differences between the two property tax reduction programs in Ohio, the Current Agricultural Use Valuation (CAUV) and the Ohio Forest Tax Law (OFTL) in this webinar. Learn how you can improve the quality of your woods and save money.
Forest Insects: Native and Non-native - June 2020
Join OSU’s Amy Stone and Joe Boggs as we look at some native forest insects and some non-native forest insects in this webinar. Insects that create ‘tents’, insects that dance, along with insects that create galls and insects that suck sap – something for everyone.
Programs Promoting Healthy Forests and Wildlife: Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Funding Programs - May 2020
NRCS offers technical and financial assistance to improve resource conditions such as soil quality, water quality and habitat quality, through implementing conservation practices, or activities, such as conservation planning that address natural resource concerns on the land. Join Dave Libben, NRCS District Conservationist and Nick Schell, NRCS State Biologist, as they discuss how funding programs can help improve your woodland and wildlife goals in this webinar.