Disease Information
- Anthrancnose Leaf Blight of Shade Trees
- Cedar Rust Diseases of Ornamental Plants
- Cytospora Canker of Spruce
- Diplodia Tip Blight of Austrian, Red and Scotch Pine
- Dutch Elm Disease
- Leaf Diseases on Ornamental Trees and Shrubs
- Needle Diseases on 2-Needled Conifers in Ohio
- Oak Wilt
- Rhizosphaera Needlecast on Spruce
- Sudden Oak Death
- Verticillium Wilt of Landscape Trees and Shrubs
Insect Information
- Bagworm and Its Control
- Be Alert for Spotted Lanternfly
- Boxelder Bug
- Distinguishing Emerald Ash Borer from Native Borers
- Giant Caterpillars
- Insect and Mite Control on Woody Ornamentals and Herbaceous Perennials
- Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle
- Powderpost Beetles
- What is Emerald Ash Borer?