The Ohio State University Extension produces a variety of fact sheets and bulletins that are available to the public either through our website on Ohioline, or at the county Extension office. Listed here are our fact sheets and bulletins that apply to the topics of forestry, wildlife, aquatics, and insects and diseases. For sale bulletins may be purchased either at the county Ohio State University Extension office or online at estore.
Recent Publications
- Be Alert for Spotted Lanterfly
- Beech Leaf Disease Pest Alert
- Proper Calibration and Operation of Backpack and Hand Can Sprayers
- Calibrating Boom Sprayers for Forestry Herbicide Application
- How Much Chemical Product Do I Need to Add to My Sprayer Tank?
- Protecting Your Legacy
- Protecting Your Legacy (video)
- Hobby Maple Syrup Production
- Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Privet
- Managing for Bobwhite Quail in Ohio's Agricultural Landscape