2021 Ohio Woodland Water and Wildlife Virtual Conference

Below you will find the handouts and video links to access the presentations for each talk.

Monday March 1st - Woodland

Prescribed goat grazing as a tool to manage invasive plants and restore woodlands

Matt Davies Assistant Professor in Soil and Plant Community Restoration, CFAES, SENR

Presentation Handout

Presentation Recording

Silvicultural Aspects of American chestnut and Implications for Species Restoration

Sara Fern Fitzsimmons, Director of Restoration, The American Chestnut Foundation and Penn State

Presentation Handout

Presentation Recording

Spotting the Spot in Ohio – Spotted Lanternfly Update

Amy Stone, Lucas County Extension Educator, OSU Extension, CFAES

Presentation Handout        SLF Lifecycle        Look alikes

Presentation Recording

Herbicide Do’s and Don’ts

Mimi Rose, Ohio State University Pesticide Education Program

Presentation Handout        Pesticide Label        Glossary

Presentation Recording


Tuesday March 2nd - Water

Wetlands and Water Quality: the ODNR H2Ohio Program

Eric Saas, H2Ohio Program Manager, Christina Kuchle, Northwest Region Scenic Rivers Manager

Presentation Handout

Presentation Recording (We were only able to recorded the last few minutes of this presentation - our apologies!!)

Ohio’s Wetland Regulations

Mick Micacchion, Wetland Ecologist and Professional Wetland Scientist, Midwest Biodiversity Institute

Presentation Handout

Presentation Recording

The USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database: actionable tools and data for aquatic invasive species (AIS) management

Matthew Neilson, U.S. Geological Survey

Presentation Handout

Presentation Recording

The Great Lakes Phragmites Collaborative: Regional Coordination, Adaptive Management, and New Treatments

Kurt Kowalski, U.S. Geological Survey

Presentation Handout

Presentation Recording


Wednesday March 3rd - Wildlife

Ohio’s Owls

Joseph Lautenbach, Wildlife Biologist, ODNR Division of Wildlife

Presentation Handout

Presentation Recording

Trees and Shrubs for Wildlife – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Marne Titchenell, Extension Wildlife Program Specialist, SENR, CAFES

Amy Stone, Lucas County Extension Educator, OSU Extension, CFAES

Presentation Handout

Presentation Recording

Got worms? That might be a problem!  Investigating Impacts of Non-Native Earthworms in Hardwood Forests.

Tara Bal, Assistant Professor, Forest Health, College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science

Michigan Technological University

Presentation Handout

Presentation Recording

An Updated Report on Ticks and Tick-borne Disease in Ohio

Risa Pesapane, Assistant Professor, Ecosystem and Wildlife Health, CFAES and CVM, The Ohio State University

Presentation Handout            Asian Longhorned Tick Factsheet

Tick Video (watch this before the presentation recording)

Presentation Recording


USDA - APHIS Information

US ALB Infestation Map

Search for The Asian Longhorned Beetle Poster

Factsheets on importing live plants and CITES material

A Quick Guide For Commercial Importers

2018 Don't Pack A Pest