Tree Diagnostic Workshop

Aug 15, 2014, 9:00am - 3:00pm
Friday, August 8, 2014
Registration is $35 and includes lunch and class materials.
Ohio State University - Mansfield 1760 University Drive Room 100 Ovalwood Hall Mansfield, OH 44906

Join us at the Ohio State University - Mansfield campus to learn how to diagnose tree issues!  How many times have you looked at a tree and wondered what that odd growth was or why the leaves were not the right color?  Do you then ask yourself - should I worry about it?  You are not alone! Spend the day with a variety of Ohio State University Extension specialists working on diagnosing some common (and maybe not so common) tree problems.  What needs immediate attention and what is just cosmetic and won’t compromise the health of the tree?  What questions do you need answers to before a diagnosis can happen?  What resources are available to help you with the process?  All this and more will be covered in the workshop.