Introduction to QGIS 3.4

Jan 7, 2020, 10:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday, January 2, 2020
$45.00 includes lunch and materials
Nationwide & Farm Bureau 4-H Building, 2201 Fred Taylor Dr., Columbus, OH 43210
Woodland Stewards

An introduction to a freeware GIS product - QGIS 3.4.  Attendees will learn how to create maps and reports utilizing this software. Computers will be provided.

Attendees are encouraged to submit questions that they want answered to Dr. Londo at PRIOR to the workshop.

Registration opens at 9:30 am and class starts at 10:00 am.  Topics for the day include:

  • Introduction to GIS-Data types and what that means to GIS
  • Ohio sources of GIS data, projections, etc
  • Digitizing and integrating your own data
  • Basic GIS functions, a review and what to note about QGIS
  • Basic outputs from GIS - reports and maps

Class adjourns at 4:00 pm

SAF continuing education credits will be applied for