2021 Ohio Woodland Water and Wildlife Conference
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Join us March 1-3 for the 2021 Ohio Woodland Water and Wildlife Conference. The event will be virtual due to COVID-19 restrictions. Registration will get you access for all 3 days. ISA, and SAF continuing education credits will be offered including ODA pesticide credits. Each talk will run approximately 60 minutes with an additional 15 minutes allowed for Q&A. In order to receive continuing education credits for the talk you must be present for the live presentation. For descriptions of the talks access a detailed agenda here.
Each presentation will run approximately 60 minutes with an additional 15 minutes allotted for Q&A and 10 minutes for a break.
Continuing Education credits for ISA, SAF and ODA Pesticide are available for some of the sessions. To see a complete listing of sessions offering credits click here.
TO ACCESS THE WEBINAR ROOM: A link was included in your confirmation email to access the webinar (you will have to enter a name and email address to get the link). Additionally, separate emails (also containing the link) were sent to the email address your registered with on 2/22 and 2/25. If you can not access the webinar room, please email titchenell.4@osu.edu.
March 1st – Woodland |
March 2nd – Water |
March 3rd - Wildlife |
9 am |
Prescribed goat grazing as a tool to manage invasive plants and restore woodlands Matt Davies Assistant Professor in Soil and Plant Community Restoration, CFAES, SENR |
Wetlands and Water Quality: the ODNR H2Ohio Program Eric Saas, H2Ohio Program Manager, Christina Kuchle, Northwest Region Scenic Rivers Manager
Ohio’s Owls Joseph Lautenbach, Wildlife Biologist, ODNR Division of Wildlife
10:25 am |
Silvicultural Aspects of American chestnut and Implications for Species Restoration Sara Fern Fitzsimmons, Director of Restoration, TACF and Penn State |
Ohio’s Wetland Regulations Mick Micacchion, Wetland Ecologist and Professional Wetland Scientist, Midwest Biodiversity Institute
Trees and Shrubs for Wildlife – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Marne Titchenell, Extension Wildlife Program Specialist, SENR, CAFES Amy Stone, Lucas County Extension Educator, OSU Extension, CFAES
Lunch 11:40 – 12:30 |
12:30 pm |
Spotting the Spot in Ohio – Spotted Lanternfly Update Amy Stone, Lucas County Extension Educator, OSU Extension, CFAES
The USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database: actionable tools and data for aquatic invasive species (AIS) management Matthew Neilson, U.S. Geological Survey
Got worms? That might be a problem! Investigating Impacts of Non-Native Earthworms in Hardwood Forests. Tara Bal, Assistant Professor, Forest Health, College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science Michigan Technological University
1:55 pm |
Herbicide Do’s and Don’ts Mimi Rose, Ohio State University Pesticide Education Program
The Great Lakes Phragmites Collaborative: Regional Coordination, Adaptive Management, and New Treatments Kurt Kowalski, U.S. Geological Survey |
An Updated Report on Ticks and Tick-borne Disease in Ohio Risa Pesapane, Assistant Professor, Ecosystem and Wildlife Health, CFAES and CVM, The Ohio State University